Status: Ongoing

In June 2019, UER launched the Healthy Habitats Program with seed money from the Maryland Environmental Trust (MET). This program is the natural outgrowth of the Phase II – Strategic Mapping Project that UER performed with support from MET.
With additional grant funding from the Maryland Environmental Trust, the Healthy Habitats Program offers free consultations and information to landowners and homeowner associations in Maryland who own or manage suburban properties that are either environmentally sensitive or have the potential for significant positive environmental impact to the surrounding area.
Healthy Habitats are beautiful, functional, and healthy: sustainable landscapes that can attract butterflies and birds while managing storm water runoff, mitigating climate change, and protecting the sources of our drinking water. Healthy Habitats are one type of what UER calls “Eco-Functioning Spaces.”
Through the Healthy Habitats Program, UER assists owners with the design, installation, and management of cost-effective sustainable landscapes that maximize environmental benefits.
About Us
UER is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit urban land trust that was formed to work with landowners, associations, and communities to preserve or develop Eco-Functioning Spaces®